In 2015, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX), the state’s largest health insurer, collaborated with nearly 500 community organizations through employee volunteers and financial investments to help prevent and manage heart disease, cancer, diabetes, asthma and other ailments. As noted in the company’s Social Responsibility Report (SRR), released today,
— 1,875 employees volunteered 33,201 hours in local communities throughout Texas, resulting in more than $101,000 in matching funds for 83 organizations – a new milestone for the company;
— BCBSTX invested more than $1.8 million in 40 nonprofit partners in its Healthy Kids, Healthy Families® (HKHF) initiative. HKHF, which teams with nonprofit organizations focused on nutrition, physical activity, disease prevention and management, and supporting safe environments, has provided more than 13.2 million health and wellness services to children and their families in Texas since 2011.
As in past years, the 2015 report was produced digitally, reducing environmental impact and enabling a more dynamic presentation of community partnerships through videos and social media integration. Readers can instantly share and comment on a specific page of the report through Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter or email the entire report to family, friends and colleagues.