Just in case you’ve been an individual who has previously had cancer and wishes to go on an international vacation, you may find that you’ve your work cut out for you with regards to finding an affordable health insurance contract. There are several insurance companies that will not provide any insurance at all to these who’ve had or do have cancer. Of the firms that do offer insurance, they occasionally charge you greater than the cost of the flights. One business, Free Spirit, charges a 48 year old lady who’d breast cancer five years ago 248.70 for a 17 day global policy.
Compare this to someone with no health concerns where the insurance prices are as little as 20. This example was backed up by a latest survey performed by the charity Cancerbackup which discloses that 9 in ten individuals struggle to get travel insurance if they’ve had cancer. Even when people are fit to travel, seven in ten can be found coverages with sky high premiums or else refused insurance all together, the study indicates. So as a result of insurance issues, one in 20 individuals linked to cancer choose to travel without insurance. As a result of the study conducted by Cancerbackup the Association of British Insurers is inquiring whether firms are in fact discriminating against cancer sufferers.
A representative to get the charity Macmillan Cancer Support calls to get this kind of probing saying: The insurance business needs to recognize that not all cancers are the same and treat people appropriately. Cancer as an illness itself is so grueling for individuals it’s only natural many of them need to give themselves a calming overseas holiday when their treatment is completed. Among the companies that does offer cancer suffers insurance – Medi Travelcover. Being refused insurance might have a dreadful impact on their morale, the spokesperson says.
With regards to life insurance coverage or private medical insurance it’s quite understandable how someone could be refused an opportunity to take out cover. Then it appears crazy that somebody who had cancer a time long ago can’t get any inexpensive medical insurance for a simple holiday. The situation is prone to are more of a problem also, with 1 million people having been diagnosed with cancer Sometimes in their life.